Ansharut Jamaat Tawhid (Jat) leader Abu Bakar Ba'asyir deplored the suicide bombings in mosques Az Dzikra, Mapolresta Cirebon. Jat call the action as an act that violates Islamic law.
"Jamaat Tawhid Anshorut take the attitude that the bomb attack in the mosque and pilgrims who are or want prayer is forbidden deeds. In fact, we reject all efforts on behalf of the hard struggle of Islam but did not heed much less violate the boundaries of Islamic law," said spokesman Main Jat, Abdul Rohim Ba'asyir, via press release on Monday (18/04/2011)
According Rohim, it wary of any attempts of certain parties who want to discredit Islam and Abu Bakar Ba'asyir. Islam should be more mature and equip themselves with knowledge of the intrigues and intelligent black operation among Muslim haters who continue to desire to make the Muslim community as a lucrative project for the arrival of funds and fringe benefits.
"Government officials and security forces should see the various disasters that occur, whether in the form of natural disaster caused symptoms, social disintegration, moral decadence to bomb attacks like that, not a separate section later by doing something crazy action stigmatization that Islam and the Muslims as the source of the problem, "he explained.
Rohim mention Cirebon bombing as an effort to divide Muslims. Jat warned all parties not to continue the thoughts and intentions to discredit Islam and the Muslims toward the goal of a divisive dispute even among the Muslims themselves. "So people in this country that the majority of mutual suspicion to suspect each other and forget the fundamental problems that occur in this country," he explained.
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