Justin Bieber fans who have started queuing to get into the concert area, not only from among the ordinary people. Some artists also line up to enter the area of Sentul International Convention Center (SICC), Bogor.
Visible Widi 'Viera', Vidi Aldiano, Aurel Hermansyah, Ussy Sulistyowati and her lover, Andhika Pratt, and Mona Ratuliu. Do not miss a couple, Joey Ayala and her husband Anto Hoed, and the petite singer, Rossa, who was wearing a white short shirt.
"Iya nih same with my children and friends, how come so line up like this, I can not VIP. I can not wait to watch the concert tonight," Ross said when met at the SICC, Bogor, Saturday, April 23, 2011.
Aurel, daughter of Anand Hermansyah, also do not want to miss watching Justin Bieber's first concert in Indonesia. By simply installing the pins that read Justin Bieber, Aurel admitted confident candidate to join a number of other spectators who wore full Bieber attribute.
"I came alone does not equal the cheek, because no work cheek, accompanied by his brother, I can Red Class ticket no problem for me, I'm one of her fans. Justin funny, I love the song Baby and other songs just as well," said Aurel.
Justin Bieber concert in Jakarta tonight is a series of "Justin Bieber My World Tour". Gruvi, pop band, will be opening a packed concert audience was about 10 thousand. The concert will start at 20.00 pm.
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